
Our “Azərşəkər” brand founded with the help of the Azerbaijan Sugar Production Association established in 2006, has introduced our sugar products consumed with pleasure by everyone to its buyers in the country.


High-quality sugar powder is melted in the appropriate melting pots of the Kalle Sugar Factory, passed through special filters, purified, and then the resulting sugar syrup is introduced into the vacuum cooking apparatus and cooked in a fully closed system at a temperature of 75-85 °C. The cooked and thickened syrup is then filled into molds, where the hardening process takes place. At the next stage, these molds are placed in centrifuges that rotate at a speed of 550-600 times per minute, and as a result of this rotation, the whiteness of Azershekar Kalle Sugar is ensured at the maximum level (this process is based on centrifugal force). After that, the whole (conical) produced skull sugar product is dried, chopped and packaged using chopping devices. No chemical additives are used throughout this entire process, and all processes are carried out in a closed form in a fully automated mode.